the reluctant tester

Perpetual learner of the craft of Software Testing,Servant Leadership and creating better Teams

Browser state transfer between Tests in Playwright

One of the better practices that Playwright’s library supports out of the box ,is pre-authenticated “set-up” state for tests.


How do we securely and efficiently pass browser session state between tests without having to write code in every test to recreate & demolish that state ?

An approach:

  • Create separate tests for set up
  • Pass on the browser state from set up test to subsequent tests & make those tests dependent on the set up tests
  • Segregate tests that do not require that browser state

How can Playwright help :

I’m sure there are multiple ways to design this, but the approach that I learnt from my tinkering is as below ( a Node.js and Typescript example)

  1. Create (reusable) setup test file– The concept of Project dependencies allows sequencing of tests that depend on other tests

a) declare a test to be a set up test

b) write steps to create the browser state that you want . Below is a simple example of going to an commerce site and logging in by entering credentials on a login page

(Security note – Remember to git ignore any auth related files & folders , plus use CI secrets or environment variables)

2. State storage in set up test file – Enable the set up test to capture browser state information post login

a) In the setup test …

b) Store the state…

3. Enable Sequencing in Playwright config file– Declare dependencies in tests & pass browser user state to subsequent tests

This is controlled by the playwright.config file using projects and Playwright authentication file

(Security note, again – Remember to git ignore any auth related files & folders , plus use CI secrets or environment variables)

From here on, any tests that you write matching the expression below


,will have a dependency on the ‘setup’ project i.e. will automatically call the setup test first and will use the browser state

To summarise,

This is how my playwright.config file looks like –

and this is how my common set up test file looks like –

hence, any subsequent tests i write , are oblivious to authenticating/recreating the browser state .

And to test this premise, I just wrote a test to make sure that I am already logged when when the home page of the e-commerce site is called to ensure that the Playwright project dependency feature actually works 😉

Side tip –

If you haven’t, the VSCode Playwright plugin is a must try –>

Makes working with Playwright project so much efficient !

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I’m Sunjeet Khokhar

An experienced People Leader,Practice Lead  and Test Manager .

I am driven by the success of people around me, am a keen student of organisational behaviour and firmly believe that we can be better craftspeople by being better humans first.

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